Thursday, August 18, 2022

I have a Blogger account What!!

The world we live in is such a weird and wonderful place. I literally just realized that I had opened this account about a decade ago and had the intention to start documenting certain aspects of my life. Leaving some form of digital footprint for roaming minds of my future spawn and or distant relatives interested in their family tree and or heritage. Something I wish my ancestors had done for me.. Which who knows documnentation could actually exist somewhere and is yet to be found!! Exciting. I shall actively start researching my family tree and document my findings via this blog.. Sometimes our history is something we need to discover before we can progress into the future. Unfortunatley most of my family's past is shrouded in secrecy which in turn can be extremely inticing to a wondering mind like mine. I shall take whomever is reading this along with me for the enduring ride through history to seek our place in space and time. Lets hope that this journey through time will be full of great mysteries, bold characters and telling times. Until the next time , keep safe , keep well , walk in the light. Y
ou are not alone.